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1 lostlakehiker  Sat, Jan 5, 2013 4:20:20pm

“we are a nation of laws, however slow justice may be delivered. “

The problem in India is that when it comes to rape, slow means never. That’s not a nation of laws. A law that is in effect never enforced isn’t much of a law.

Understandably, many in India are impatient with this limitless patience for those who deserve only that finite amount of patience needed to determine the truth of the matter before passing sentence.

2 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Jan 5, 2013 4:57:23pm
So what is the answer? It is in educational institutions where extra effort must be made to inculcate in students respect for women, for what they are. This is not going to be easy in a society where women are looked down upon as the “weaker” sex, if not inferior to men. But a beginning must be made.

Very well written. Thanks for posting.

3 Aligarr  Sat, Jan 5, 2013 7:33:29pm

Justice delayed is Justice denied . Women have been set afire as part of ” culture ” for centuries in India . If a woman is raped in public here , what would happen to the rapist by that public ? They’d beat him to a pulp and turn him over to the cops . Public outrage would prevent such rapes . THAT is what is happening in India , the public is outraged and acts , so let the law follow the staus quo .

4 lostlakehiker  Sat, Jan 5, 2013 9:24:07pm

What actually happens when a rapist is spotted or caught by the public can be hard to assemble statistics for.

I knew a woman who recounted her story. This happened in rural France, some time maybe in the 1960’s or 1970’s. She knew who the guy was, and told some friends who told some friends. A “posse” formed and went over to the accused (and guilty) guy and beat the living daylights out of him. They then warned him that if it happened again, they’d kill him.

The law never heard anything about the rape or the beating.

5 FemNaziBitch  Sun, Jan 6, 2013 8:16:20am

re: #4 lostlakehiker

What actually happens when a rapist is spotted or caught by the public can be hard to assemble statistics for.

I knew a woman who recounted her story. This happened in rural France, some time maybe in the 1960’s or 1970’s. She knew who the guy was, and told some friends who told some friends. A “posse” formed and went over to the accused (and guilty) guy and beat the living daylights out of him. They then warned him that if it happened again, they’d kill him.

The law never heard anything about the rape or the beating.

IIRC, the old “saxon” and “common” laws required that freemen do such things regarding rape. There is no such ancient tradition in other parts of the world.

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